I'm so excited to finally be able to welcome you to the {hood}
this new look really defines what my photography is all about.
{a very special thank you goes out to Catherine Haugland over at Avalon Rose design for the incredible website. She took all my ideas and made them come alive. A great big squeeze to my bff copywriter & branding expert Melissa Bolton over at Melissa Bolton Ink for holding all the pieces together until they became a whole. {They rock together at Revolutionary-Branding!}
The dictionary defines neighbor'hood' as:
neigh·bor·hood [ney-ber-hood] n.
A district or locality. an area or region around or near some place or thing. A vicinity.
But, I think it means so more than that. It's a safe place to come home to.
It's where we do our growing up and our living. It's friends and giggles and backyard parties and wildflowers and crooked smiles and running free.
A place where our favorite memories are made.
It's parent{hood} It's child{hood} It's sister{hood} And brother{hood} And all the {hoods} we live in in-between.
So stop by the website www.jenniferwolseyphotography.com and have a look around! All the cool kids are doing it!